Unit | Timeframe | Driving Questions | Major Learning Experiences from Unit |
1: Human Organization | September/October 2022 | Determine the difference between anatomy and physiology. How is the human body organized to accomplish all of life's processes, all while maintaining homeostasis at an organ system level, all the way down to a cellular level? How is the human body broken down into anatomical regions, cavities and planes?
| Topics Anatomical Terms Cell Communication Organelles Tissues Organs
Activities Lab Stations Card Sorts Model Project Research Report
Quiz + Test |
2: Support, Movement, & Protection | November/December 2022 | How do the major body tissue types affect the overall structure and function of the human body? How do the integumentary, skeletal and muscular systems work together to provide movement and support for the rest of the human body, while also contributing to the maintenance of homeostasis? What are examples of disorder within these systems?
| Topics Muscular System Skeletal System Integumentary System
Activities Muscle Fatigue Lab Skeletal Muscle Model Big Body Diagram Discovery Stations Gallery Walk Disease Project Research Report
Quiz + Test |
3: Integration & Coordination | January 2023 | How does the body take in, process, and respond to stimuli in order to maintain homeostatic control and coordinate communication among the body systems? How do the nervous and endocrine systems interact with each other? How is the endocrine system connected to the reproductive system? What are the essential components of the reproductive system? How does the reproductive system connect to daily living? What are examples of disorder within these systems?
| Topics Endocrine System Nervous System Reproductive System
Quiz + Test |
4: Transport | February 2023 | How is the body designed to utilize blood as the main transport mechanism of resources to all of the body systems in order to maintain homeostasis? How does the cardiovascular system connect to the respiratory system? What are examples of disorder within these systems?
| Topics Cardiovascular System Respiratory System
Quiz + Test |
5: Absorption & Excretion | March 2023 | How does the body effectively and efficiently absorb nutrients and excrete waste from the food we eat in order to acquire necessary substances for maintaining homeostasis? How is the body designed to utilize blood as the main transport mechanism of resources to all of the body systems in order to maintain homeostasis? What are examples of disorder within these systems?
| Topics Digestive System Urinary System
Quiz + Test |
6: Protection | April/Early May 2023 | How does the body effectively utilize the integumentary and lymphatic systems to protect against bacteria and viruses? How do these two systems connect to each other? What are examples of disorder within these systems?
| Topics Integumentary System Lymphatic System
Activities Big Body Diagram Gallery Walk Immune System Inquiry Skin Model Project Research Report
Quiz + Test |
7: Miscellaneous | May/June 2023 | *For those Juniors that are still in class after seniors graduate | End of year research project |